
What are the police doing?

Looking at the arrests made by the SAPS in the Emalahleni cluster, it is obvious that the SAPS are taking a strong stand against drugs.

More suspects have been arrested for drug related charges than the previous two years.
“Remember that the number of drug users and dealers are increasing by the day, resulting in more and more ending up behind bars,” said Capt Eddie Hall, police spokesperson.

Capt Hall indicated that between seven and nine arrests made a week is drug related.
“Within the structures of the SAPS is a unit dedicated to fighting this escalating problem, the Criminal Intelligence Gathering. These men and women have been tasked to focus on especially drug dealers in the city,” Capt Hall said.
However he said the battle would be lost without the help of the public.

“The more information we can get, the more we have to follow-up on. We urge the public to be our eyes and ears and notify us if they see any suspicious behaviour.”

He explained that one of the initiatives that the SAPS have undertaken, is the monitoring of prisoners on parole
Capt Hall said they have noted an increase of crime related tendencies that prisoners on parole have been associated with.
He mentioned that petty-crimes such as theft from motor vehicles, general thefts like theft of cell phones and laptops and house break-ins are related to drugs as users will do anything to feed their need for drugs.

“Tempting as it may be, using drugs to take a break from reality will not make your problems disappear or make life better. If you feel that things are spiraling out of control and you are overwhelmed by problems, seek real help from someone who cares,” he advised.

If you want to report any crimes contact the SAPS on 013 655 5051 or 013 655 5052.

See how the Middelburg dog unit finds drugs


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