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Safety tips and contact numbers for the festive season

The holiday season is filled with happiness and celebration, but it can also be a time of danger for road users.

It seems everyone is in a hurry trying to wrap up their shopping and enjoy festive celebrations. But as you’re dashing around town, it’s important to keep road safety top of mind, as the streets are busier and drivers are distracted by their holiday to do lists.

People are urged to to be more careful on the roads. Here are a few friendly tips to ensure your Festive season is a safe one:

  • Don’t drink and drive
    Drunk driving is a major contributory factor to road crashes and road deaths in South Africa. If you going to a Christmas party and plan to indulge in a drink or two and get merry, don’t drive. Stay the night or plan a safe alternative to get home such as a cab or designated driver.
  • Slow down
    In the rush to get to a Christmas party or do your Christmas shopping before the malls close, you may be tempted to speed. But police presence is greater on the roads both day and night throughout the season, and a speeding ticket and possible accidents are not likely on your holiday wish list.
  • Wear your seat belt
    Always buckle up. Wearing your seat belt can reduce your risk of dying in a crash by about half. Also, make sure young passengers are buckled into appropriate safety seats.
  • Watch for emergency vehicles
    In an emergency, every second counts. When you hear a siren, be sure to pull off to the side of the road to allow the ambulance, police car or fire truck to pass.
  • Obey road rules
    Always obey the rules of the road. They are there for a reason. Stay within the speed limits at all times.
  • Carry an Emergency Kit
    Always be prepared.The kit should include items that would come in handy if you are stranded on the side of the road or involved in a vehicle accident.
  • Pull Off the Road if You Feel Tired
    Please don’t try to drive when your eyes are shutting; you could kill yourself or others if you fall asleep. Have turns driving if there is another licensed person in the vehicle. Stop regularly to take breaks.

Emergency Numbers to always have with you:
Police Flying Squad: 10111
Witbank Police Station: 013 655 5000
Vosman Police Station: 013 659 8400
Kriel Police Station: 017 648 2266
Ogies Police Station: 013 643 1111
Witbank Fire Station: 013 690 6222/6333/6444
Ga-Nala Fire Station: 017 648 3838
Ambulance: 10177
Provincial Ambulance Services: 013 690 2208
ER24: 084 124
Netcare: 082 911
Langamed: 013 656 5734/ 072 344 2344
JD-Med:  079 235 0134
Crime Stop: 08600 10111
Cellphone Emergency: 112 (MTN, Vodacom and Cell C)
Life Cosmos Hospital: 013 655 8000
Witbank Provincial Hospital: 013 653 2000
Emalahleni Private Hospital: 013 655 3000
Cosmos Life Private Hospital: 013 653 8000
Victim Support Center: 013 655 5001/082 494 9778

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