
Have you joined your CPF?

Each one of us wants to live and work without fear of being robbed, raped or attacked.

By joining your local Community Police Forum (CPF) a network against criminal activities can be strengthened. It will secure a safe and secure environment for you and your family.

Communities are comprised of many different people each with his or her own skills, views and innovative ideas that can make a huge difference in the area they live in.

eMalahleni is divided into five sectors each with its own sub-sectors.
Here are the contact details and information on meetings of the sectors that responded to an invitation by WITBANK NEWS to use the newspaper as a platform to convey the details of their sectors, meeting dates and times and contact details.

In Sector 2 Del Judor Proper Ries Potgieter is relieving as chairman until February when a new committee will be selected. This sector has open meetings every second Thursday at 18:30. To get more information about this sector contact Ries on 083 334 8296.

Sector 2 Blanchville and Die Heuwel meet every Monday at 18:00 at the NG Kerk Panorama in Adele Street. To become part of this Sector contact their control room on 072 338 0140.

Sector 5 Sub Sector 4 Klipfontein is being chaired by Eugene Fraser. To know more about this Sector phone Eugene: 072 122 1382 or Daan du Toit (vice chairman): 072 890 0060.

Sector 5 Extension 5 meets every first Monday of every month at the NG Church ‘Trappies kerk’ in Plumer Street at 18:15 for 18:30. Their next meeting is set for December 1. For more information about this Sector e-mail Alfred Friess:

Readers are encouraged to visit Emalahleni/Witbank Community Policing Forum Facebook page. You can also add the Zello walkie talkie App and add the Witbank 911 channel.

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