
Heroes still exist

Two men targeted me and approached my vehicle on both sides, my driver’s door was unfortunately not locked and so I was searched for my cell phone and pulled out of the car and thrown onto the ground into the road.

On Tuesday, August 19 at around 15:45 I stopped at the robot at Eskom Park in Watermeyer Street.

Two men targeted me and approached my vehicle on both sides, my driver’s door was unfortunately not locked and so I was searched for my cell phone and pulled out of the car and thrown onto the ground into the road.

From the minute, I saw him reach for my door handle I started to scream “No!” really loudly and over and over again.
After throwing me on the floor, he climbed back into my vehicle and I stood up and pulled him out, holding onto him.  Not once did I stop screaming “No!”

The words pumped out of my mouth as hard as my adrenalin was rushing.  Although pregnant, my instinctive reaction was just not to be a victim again.

The vehicles around me started to hoot and a man in red Golf behind me attempted to jump out and assist me, but by this time the suspect pulled his arms out of his rucksack on his back that I was holding him by and ran onto the highway.

I just accepted that they were gone.  Two vehicles however chased after them into the stadium and a third into the CBD.
Surprisingly, when at the police station opening a case with the payslips found in his bag, the suspects were brought in by two undercover cops. Unbelievable!

I would just like to thank my heroes!  Thank you for not just standing by, for not thinking twice about standing up for me and against crime.  Special thanks to the people in the Simba truck that attended to me after the incident, to the man in the red Golf and Oswald and Tariro for your dedicated assistance in trying to chase them and then further support and protection at the police station, you touched my heart.

An exceptional word of gratitude to the man in the white Golf, Const Kgaphola and Const Mavhungu for pursuing and arresting these guys.
Thanks to Const Minie for your reassuring and patient resolve.  Never be afraid to make a scene, heroes do still exist!

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