
Nude photography workshop

Join photographers as they learn more about nude photography.

Kosmos Photography Club will be hosting a workshop on studio photography.

This course looking at the art of nude photography is taking place on August 23 at iDesign Photography Studio.

The aim is to teach photographers the fine art of nude photography and discussing the different lighting techniques is only one of the topics.
Costs are R850 per person. It includes the use of the studio, professional advice during the sessions and also snacks and drinks.

Each participant will also receive a R300 printing voucher from iDesign Photography.

There will be two sessions the first being between 08:00 and 13:00 and then 14:00 to 18:00 for a second group of people.
Only 10 people per session will be allowed.

For more information contact Jannie van Niekerk of Elena van Wyk kontak by: 082 809 7172 of 082 854 9545.

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