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Robbers do not sleep

Upgrade your security at home. It is worth it in the long run.

Robberies and house robberies in particular are taking place in the city, and it is expected to grow in number as the festive season approaches.

Two house robberies have taken place where unsuspecting residents had to face the ruthlessness of these armed assailants.

The first incident occurred on Friday, October 13, when a woman was alone sleeping. The assailants targeted the home in the early morning hours.

According to the victim, four unknown males entered her home after breaking her front door to gain entry. Upon waking up from the loud noise, the victim had to stare down the barrel of a gun.

One armed assailant instructed the victim to hand over personal belongings, while the other three went through her room looking for more valuables.

Luckily the woman was not harmed but shaken up. The robbers managed to flee with clothing, shoes, and money.

In the second instance, it appears similar to the previous case, whereby robbers target homes in the dead of night.

On Tuesday, October 10 the victim was at home sleeping in Klarinet when she had a rude awakening. It also took place in the late evening hours.

The victim stated that she was asleep when six unknown men entered her home after demanding that she unlock her door.

Four of the six males then entered the home searching for valuables. The victim had to hand over the R1 000 she had in her possession. The robbers also took her cellphone and groceries.

Luckily, the victim was not harmed during the robbery.

Investigations in both cases are still ongoing.

According to the South African Police Service website, there are tips that you can follow to help increase safety at home:
A high fence around the house with lockable gates is much safer than a high wall due to the improved visibility it provides.

The primary aim of the fence is to make access/intrusion difficult and to allow dogs to move freely around the house.
Ensure that your gates are locked at all times, that the keys cannot be reached easily, and are not lying around uncontrolled.
Security gates with sturdy locks in front of each outer door as well as burglar-proofing covering all windows are recommended.

The following devices prevent easy access:
Window bars, security doors, security gates, razor wire, additional locking devices on doors, strengthening of doors, peep-holes in the doors, safety chains to doors and an intercom between the home and the gate.





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