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Spinning cars are keeping Die Heuwel residents out of their sleep

Residents in Die Heuwel had enough of spinning cars on Sundays.

Quiet Sunday evenings are not an option in Die Heuwel.

Residents are up in arms and are signing a petition forcing Die Heuwel Tshisanyama to consider that Sundays are made for rest and not loud noise and cars spinning till the early hours of the morning.

Lately, the establishment plays host to what they called ‘Ultimate Spin Sundays’.

Videos show cars spinning and revving, making figure eights, doughnuts and drifting as onlookers cheer.

The videos also show how dangerously the spinning cars get to the crowds.

“One would think organisers of such events should have permission to host them in residential areas as noise and emissions from the spinning cars must be well over the allowable levels. Reasonable steps should also be taken to ensure the safety of the spectators,” said Mr John Cornish, one of the residents that stay close to the establishment.

WITBANK NEWS phoned the owner, Mr Tsepo Mashele earlier this week after complaints of unnecessary noise streamed in on the ward’s WhatsApp groups after an all-nighter on Sunday, July 9. Complaints were also made to the police.

When WITBANK NEWS asked Mashele if he has the necessary permission to have these events at the venue, he in turn asked, “Why, why should I get permission?”


When it was explained that spinning can be dangerous, he asked, “Dangerous to who?”

WITBANK NEWS again asked him if he has the necessary permission to host spinning events and his reaction was, “You can ask me last time, you can ask me second time, f&#* you!”

Ward 20’s councillor, Clr Maureen Scheepers said she usually receives complaints on a Sunday evening because of the music that plays until the early morning hours on a Monday, but since the Spinning Sunday Events started the complaints have increased tremendously in this residential area of Ward 20.

“I have been called by a resident whose house is blocks away from the said business where she was standing in her bedroom so I could hear the noise levels and it was shocking, to say the least,” Scheepers said.

She said people buy houses in this area, close to schools so they can raise their families, in a peaceful and quiet area.

She pointed out that it is not the intention to close the establishment but to get the owner to comply with the necessary bylaws.

“Compliance is all I want, I have the mandate to carry the voice of the people and currently the business is not complying regarding the noise levels that are projected into the immediate area, the by-laws are there for a reason and everyone must comply,” Scheepers said.

Scheepers furthermore said she lodged complaints of noise pollution, traffic violations, emissions release in a residential area, possible liquor license violations and public nuisance complaints with the local municipality and SAPS.

Mr Lebo Mofokeng, municipal spokesperson said the matter is being investigated by the municipality.

Scheepers said the petition can be found on the Ward 20 WhatsApp groups.

Do you have more information about the story?

Please send us an email to info@witbanknews.co.za or phone us on 013 656 2490


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