
SASSA approves R350 grant application after bank verification.

Beneficiaries are reminded to keep on checking their personal details.

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is informing all applicants for SRD grant (R350) that the agency approves the applicant after the requirements of not receiving an income have been verified. If your application is still pending it means, it’s not yet verified.


The applicants must be aware that the agency does not only verify banking details but. It also verifies citizenship with the Department of Home Affairs and also verifies with the Department of Labour to check whether the person is UIF registered or not.


If the verification of the above-mentioned requirements not yet finalised the status will state pending. 


When the applicants successfully passed all verification, SASSA will approve the application and the status will be updated to approve.


Some of the delays that cause beneficiaries not to receive the R350 grant after approval is that they do not provide a banking account but they only choose the name of the bank where they want to get the grant. 


Beneficiaries are reminded to keep on checking their details to ensure that they are correct and that the grant is received by the right person.


For more information, SASSA contact toll-free number: 0800 60 10 11 or 013 574 9428/9363 from 08:00 to 16:00 during the week Monday to Friday.


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