
Eagles spread their sporty wings at HTS

January 13 rang a familiar school bell at Hoër Tegniese Skool: Inter-house Athletics Day.

Hoër Tegniese Skool (HTS) held its annual Inter-house Athletics Day on January 13.


With all the records broken on the field and track, it is needless to say that the day was a great success for the athletes.

Kyle Clegg.


The day was action-packed, with whistles blowing and javelins and discus plates flying. On top of that, peer supporters shouted cheers, sang, and gave multiple rounds of applause.


The Eagles did not hesitate to set the record straight with new records on the field.


Banele Nkosi.


Among other new records set, Ethan Kock set the new record in the u.16 discus boys’ division of 39.20m, breaking the 2012 record of 35.77m.


In the girls’ u.17, 1 500m race, Sumari van der Spuy broke the 1983 record of five minutes and 56.40 seconds by completing the race in five minutes and 52.66 seconds.


Llewellyn Combrink.

Danette Swiegers set a new record for the girls’ u.19 discus with a distance of 38.75m, breaking the 2010 record of 34,75m.


Biané Barnard broke the 2012 record for girls’ u.15 300m hurdles of 58.20 seconds by completing the race in 55.89 seconds.

Justin Seherrie.


In the boys’ u.16 110m hurdles, Owethu Mnsibi set a new record of completing the race in 14.86 seconds, breaking the 2020 record of 15.37 seconds.


There was no ‘hurdle’ in the way of a successful day, and all athletes that participated can be rightfully proud of their achievements.




Read the full article in this week’s edition of the WITBANK NEWS.


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