
Good Samaritans also wear neighbourhood watch uniforms

The SACCW Witbank, Blancheville Neighbourhood Watch, is taking the initiative with weed-eaters in hand to clean the bridge on Raadsaal Street, for the neighbourhood's benefit.

When you hear ‘neighbourhood watch’, you may think the words ‘cleaning up’ refers to addressing crime in the neighbourhood.

However, the South African Community Crime Watch (SACCW) WitbankBlancheville Neighbourhood Watch, took these words literally.

The neighbourhood watch commenced with an initiative to voluntarily clean the bridge on Raadsaal Street, Blancheville, to the neighbourhood’s benefit.

The initiative has a three-folded purpose:

  • To reduce the hiding place for potential perpetrators in the overgrown area.
  • Getting the bridge ‘in shape’ for residents.
  • To proactively prevent the bridge from collapsing in the future.

See the cleaning ‘action’ by the neighbourhood watch here:


The neighbourhood watch has received extensive support in gratitude from the neighbourhood with donations, refreshments and borrowed equipment.

They would like to thank their sponsors and the community for their positive support of the initiative.

Chairperson of the neighbourhood watch, Mr Riaan van Wyk, said: “We want the community to watch this space. We have several plans for the future. The clean-up will take more than one day to complete, and those who wish to assist are more than welcome.”

The initiative will take more than one day to complete, and those who wish to assist can contact Riaan at 082 820 6344.

Read the full article in this week’s edition of the WITBANK NEWS.

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