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Victim recalls the day she was arrested after being stabbed by neighbour

Woman finds herself behind bars two days after being stabbed in Phola.

Emily Ngobeni was left with several stab wounds after an alleged neighbour dispute.

The 65-year-old recalls the day when she almost lost her life.

Her 42-year-old neighbour who is the suspect in the case is out on bail of R3 000 after his appearance in court on March 11.

The mother of three said that she does not understand why this fight spiraled out of control with her neighbour.

Ngobeni said that she has been living at the New Stand section in Phola since 1993.

Ngobeni elaborated that the fight started on February 23 when she was standing with her ex-colleague and the suspect’s girlfriend.

As they were talking, she picked up the suspect’s child and started playing with him.

The accused was standing at a distance watching them.

“I was not aware that he was angry that I was playing with his child. He went into the yard, where he was standing. As I was walking back home, he started calling me names, saying that I’m a witch,” said Ngobeni.

Later that day, Ngobeni was speaking to the man’s sister and girlfriend.

She explains that they were having a casual conversation and were laughing about what happened earlier that day.

On the following day, as Ngobeni was walking back to her house, the man poured a jar of water on her.

She explained it to men that were waiting for her at her house.

“The men wanted to fight him, but I stopped them. I went to my other neighbours to explain what happened. As we were standing there, he came towards us, unzipped his pants, laughed and then left,” added Ngobeni.

It was further alleged that the man went to a nearby shop and when he came back he was holding an Okapi knife.

The man approached the woman and allegedly started stabbing her in her neck, shoulders, arms, chest and stomach.

“My son saw this and ran towards us. He took a stick to fight back, as he could see what was going on. He hit the man just as he was about to stab me in my chest,” recalls Ngobeni.

Another neighbour who had seen this incident pulled the man to his house and locked the gate.

People started helping Ngobeni as they saw that she was badly wounded.

The neighbours managed to get her to the police station.

“When we got to the police station, the officers told me to complete a J88 form. While waiting for the form, I saw the man walking into the station, with the aim to open a case against my son and me. As I was about to leave, he said that another corpse should come from my house – I had just lost my son in 2020,” said Ngobeni.

Ngobeni then went to the local clinic where she was transferred to hospital.

She was discharged on February 25 and could open a case against her neighbour on that day.

Ngobeni mentioned that the police woke her up in the early hours of the 26th, saying that they had come to fetch her and her son to the police station.

She was also told that the perpetrator would also be arrested.

“I was left in fear because he said that he still has three more women to kill. His gun was taken by the police, but we still live in fear. I still can’t sleep at night, and my 14-year-old child is traumatised,” concluded Ngobeni.

The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has spoken strongly against violence perpetrated on women.

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