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High-speed satellite broadband internet extends Covid-19 vaccination rollout to rural communities in Mpumalanga

Fifty percent of the satellite’s capacity is dedicated to 40 African countries.

A bold socio-economic development partnership between Eutelsat Communications (Eutelsat), the largest satellite communications operator in Africa, and Aspen Pharmacare (Aspen), South Africa’s largest pharmaceutical company, is accelerating the Mpumalanga Department of Health’s Covid-19 vaccination drive in the eastern province’s predominantly-rural municipalities.

Eutelsat this week commenced the rollout of high-speed broadband internet access at thirteen vaccination centres located in the underserved communities.

Co-funded by the two multinational companies, Eutelsat’s Konnect satellite broadband connects DoH’s electronic vaccination data system (EVDS) which pre-registers, admits and discharges vaccination clients at the vaccination centre.

Konnect’s ubiquitous coverage of South Africa helps extend the EVDS-enabled vaccine rollout to rural-resident senior citizens and people living with comorbidities, who are current target recipients of the government vaccines.

This close proximity eliminates arduous and costly trips to and from the urban-based vaccination centres often up to 50 kilometres away.

Local clinical professionals have welcomed the satellite-connected EVDS system in the rural municipalities as a potential accelerator of the nascent vaccine drive.

Approximately 70 percent of Mpumalanga province’s 4.4 million people live in underprivileged and underserved communities.

Only 1.7 percent of rural households in Mpumalanga have access to the internet, according to Statistics South Africa’s General Household Survey 2020.

“This initiative presents another arrow in the quiver of Government to fight the COVD pandemic and to assist in saving lives. The initiative is highly consistent with Aspen’s ongoing commitment to supporting local efforts that mitigate the impact of the pandemic and assist in ensuring safe and sustainable communities,” said Stavros Nicolaou, Aspen Senior Executive: Strategic Trade.

“Through this partnership with DoH and Eutelsat, we are bringing a novel solution to health challenges using cutting edge technology. Connecting rural vaccination centres will reduce the burden, freeing up much-needed public resources into other critical functions,” added Mr Nicolaou.

Mr Michel Azibert, Deputy CEO of Eutelsat, met with Ms Dudu Mdluli, DoH’s Acting Head, to formally commence the rollout of the satellite broadband network.

Mr Azibert’s delegation also visited Rob Ferreira Hospital in the provincial capital of Mbombela, where Covid-19 vaccinations were in progress.

“We are optimistic about the long-term potential of South Africa and, for that matter, Africa. The success of South Africa against the pandemic is our own success,” said Mr Azibert. “We are honoured to play a modest role by leveraging our company’s global satellite resources and reach to enhance the rural penetration of the vaccination programme,” he added. Mr Azibert was part of French President Emmanuel Macron’s delegation during the recent state visit to South Africa aimed at further strengthening cooperation between the two countries.

Across sub-Saharan Africa, Konnect – by far the largest and most powerful satellite over Africa – is rolling out 4G-equivalent public and enterprise services.

Fifty percent of the satellite’s capacity is dedicated to 40 African countries.

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