
Killed for nothing in Old Coronation

One cartridge was found on the scene and the deceased had multiple gun wounds

A senseless murder took place over the weekend in Old Coronation when a man and his friend were returning home from a tavern.

The incident happened on Thursday, September 24 at approximately 21:00 when police officers on duty from Witbank Police Station had to respond to a crime scene.

When they arrived at scene Witbank Provincial Ambulance Services was already on scene and had declared the person dead.

Police officers started asking bystanders if anyone saw what had happened.

One woman alleged that she was with the person that was killed when the shooting incident took place.

They were on their way home from a tavern as they bought beer.

While walking two unknown men appeared from behind them, and they just started shooting.

The deceased ran for a while before he dropped to the ground.

The woman alleged that she ran to him to remove his work firearm, but the suspects had got to him first and took it, then ran off.

The scene was then handed over to the Local Criminal Record Centre and the investigation started.

One cartridge was found on the scene and the deceased had multiple gun wounds.

On Tuesday morning, September 29 Captain Eddie Hall, spokesperson from Witbank Police Station said the body of the deceased had still not been identified by relatives.

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