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And the Cable’s are off

It has been an amazing 24 years since the veterinary practice of Dr Cable opened its doors in eMalahleni; and now the well known Veterinary Surgeon is bidding farewell not only to eMalahleni, but South Africa too.

Dr Hugh Cable came to eMalahleni in 1990 and that was the very same year that he opened up his veterinary practice. He obtained his veterinary qualification at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria in 1964. Over the next five years after he qualified as a veterinarian, he gained his experience in North-Western Cape, Northern Natal, Namibia and abroad in Canada, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Dr Cable first settled in Middelburg as a partner within a veterinary practice for 20 years before opening his own practise in eMalahleni. “My wife has been with me through it all,” said Dr. Cable. Besides her qualification as a veterinary technician from Germany, Uschi Cable also obtained a BA Teaching degree and higher teaching diploma from Unisa; she abandoned her teaching career to be a part of the practice when the Dr. broke off from the Middelburg practice. “She doubled as everything within the practice: receptionist, stock controller, practice manager, book keeper and in the absence of Ben, she would assist with caring for the hospitalised animals.” said Dr Cable.

Ben Mahlangu, a Kennel warden, has been at the President Veterinary clinic since its inception and will continue his journey along with Dr Anton Stone who will be taking over the veterinary clinic. Dr Cable hopes that the community of eMalahleni and his former clients will welcome Dr Stone just as they had welcomed him and kept supporting him for 24 strong years.

“We will miss the people of Witbank the most; the friendships we have forged over the years within and through the Rotary Club of Witbank, the satisfaction of being a service to the community. Dr. Cable and his wife agree that the city has been good to them “Many of our clients have become so close to us we actually now consider them family,” said Dr Cable.

The Cable’s have three children; two sons and a daughter, who are all living abroad, and five grandchildren all younger than eight. They are emigrating to be closer to them as well as to enjoy the benefits of their retirement. It is sad to bid farewell to eMalahleni’s long serving veterinarian, but all who work reach a time where they have to put down their tools and enjoy the rest of their lives as a holiday.

Dr. Cable and his wife, Uschi will be leaving for New Zealand in June. “Thank you to everyone in eMalahleni and goodbye to all. Unfortunately we cannot bid each individual a goodbye as we would have liked to do, but we say goodbye and God bless to everyone,” said the Cable’s.

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  1. Vielen Dank für alle Ihre guten und freundlichen Service im Laufe der Jahre werden wir Ihnen eine Menge verpassen. Genießen Sie den Ruhestand

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