
Float your boat at Barham Bay

The colourful powerboats formed a glistening barrier on the dam’s bank

Powerboat racing is a form of water-based motorsport using… You guessed it… Powerboats!

The powerboating that takes place at Barham Bay is classified as inshore powerboat racing – this is a race in sheltered or inland stretches of water, including lakes, rivers, docks and sheltered bays.

It is often referred to as circuit powerboat racing because of the frequency of inshore races to use the format of a circuit loop, around which boats race for a number of pre-determined laps.

On Sunday, March 31, young and old gathered on Barham Bay’s shores to test their mettle.

The colourful powerboats formed a glistening barrier on the dam’s bank.

The day was further enriched with live music and a number of stalls for visitors to peruse.

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