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Getting up in the morning

With the Easter weekend behind us I have a renewed respect for the rare day off.

Hearing high school children complain about all their hard work in between all those holidays really grinds my gears.

My brain sometimes has a detailed plan of action with flow charts, and everything of how we can make every minute count towards relaxing, catching up on things I never get a chance to do and of course sleeping late.

It does not always work out like that, of course. I remember having to run outside with our rubbish bag at 07:00 to catch the garbage truck as they were collecting rubbish on the public holiday. Me and about four other guys in the street as well. I was almost tempted to ask them how much overtime they were earning but I wasn’t going to let that ruin a perfectly good day off.

I wasn’t going to let the power outage that struck us later that day ruin it either. It was apparently due to cable theft. I thought to myself, “Am I the only person taking off today?”

It seems difficult for a city with an itch on its nose to find any peace. I wonder if there has ever been a day in our history where everyone just got a day to chill out with nothing to spike the blood pressure, no cause to increase the anti depressant dosage, or kill someone in rage.

Just imagine people waking up in the morning and deciding not to cut anyone off in traffic just for today. Imagine people in the retail industry with a cup of warm coffee and a big smile deciding to be nice to the customers that are buying their products or services.

Now blow your mind with the thought of everyone admitting when they are wrong when they did something wrong. My brain went grey trying to picture it, so well done for attempting it.

So this long weekend as I was worried that something impossibly aggravating would happen I was reminded of the consequences of holding a grudge. I know I am not going to change the world with my little speech but there is no denying the benefits of a stress free life.

This reminds me of a poster I saw, “keep clam and cabbage on” No that’s not it, “Keep cold and carriage on”? No, what was it? This is so frustrating.

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