
Ema%$#leni – post Mr Fix-it

Has anyone given any thought to what is going to happen to our ‘not so fair’ city when Mr Fix-its contract expires?

Once the elections are over, he will be gone like mist on summer’s day, no more Facebook, no more e-mail responses, no more getting some sort of sense from anyone!

Because of what he has tried to achieve, we tend to forget that he was appointed to the position by the ruling party, and once they have achieved their goal for another five-year term, we will be told that Ema#@$ leni, cannot be under ‘admiration’ indefinitely, and that the mayor and the rest of ‘Boswell Wilkey’ must get on with it.

We will be back to the dark ages, with the looting and plundering of the treasure chest, and the incompetents doing what they do so well –nothing.

One can already see that cracks are forming, and that relaxed, not really wanting to do anything feeling, you get just before going on leave, starting to surface.

Potholes, nicely dug out to four time their original size, just left to become even deeper and more dangerous, thanks for that.
Sewage running down our streets, still forms part of our daily lives, and the chocolate coloured ‘something’ out of our taps last week, thanks for that.

So all the good of the past, is already being eroded, at the mere thought of Mr Fix-its imminent departure.
Therefore dear reader, please don’t expect that living in Ema@#%leni will improve. Unfortunately it is only going to get worse, as long as our colleagues with the black/green/yellow flag run the show, which is laid out splendidly in Gareth Cliff’s letter to the president currently doing the rounds.

Mr Theo van Vuuren, this city’s administrator comments:

These comments show the general concerns from our community about the challenges still being faced. The road to recovery is not a one-year road, and it has its ups and downs. People are often not recognising what has changed and the foundations for long term sustainability which have been built. Issues such as internal systems, planning, governance, correcting the financial systems, the budget priorities, etc are not visible and these will over time lead to more sustainable improvements.

The main unfortunate thing was the toll the heavy rains took on our roads and also our sanitation system has eroded some of the progress made, but is also being reversed. Again time is needed. The current staff unrest is also untimely, but, must be addressed now to ensure a better future.

This then brings us the point about the administration contract drawing to a close. That is true, and only time will tell whether sufficient sustainability has been created to continue the progress towards recovery. Personally I have confidence that the city can recover and that there are many good people who can do a better job than myself, in this.

The question is would it give any comfort should I stay on longer? The effort is much bigger than me as person… but it is and was and possibly will be a privilege to try to help and to serve the community.


  1. This can not be happening!!!
    Just when everything got a little
    Wonder what will happen if everyone in
    Emalahleni decide’s to strike to keep
    MR FIX IT where he is now!!

  2. The only solution to the existing problem of the Municipality will be to put Mr Fix-it permanently in the position, then the Municipality will change drastically. We as citizens must toy-toy to keep him there,like the strikers toy-toy because of poor service delivery. Why wait for his term to expire, draw up a petition and let every citizen sign it to keep Theo in the position as Municipal Manager.

  3. I certainly hope that they will renew his contract or as Pieter said employ him permanent. In the time that he is with the municipality he got alot done although there is people that will not agree with me but you will always get those that is not happy with anything and the people must also remember that visible change won’t happen overnight after many years of negligency. So from my side, thanks Theo for what you have done so far.

  4. The biggest problem in Witbank is that you cannot get through to anyone at the Municipality who can resolve issues.

    The e-mail addresses on the Municipality website do not work. Phones invariably do not get answered.

    The local licensing department system is a joke. It takes an hour just to pay for a driving licence after you have spent an hour getting eye test etc.

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