
Man shot while fleeing

Bloodstained jeans and a shoe left behind near the local pub told the story of how a man was shot moments before.

On Monday April 1, at around 12:45, police rushed to scene on the corner of Eitemal and Stevenson streets where the sound of gunshots was allegedly heard. Arriving at the Warehouse, a local pub and grill/nightclub, police found a wounded man near the building.

An employee at the pub was found with the firearm, which was allegedly used in the shooting incident. According to a police statement, the man told them how he had confronted three men outside the Warehouse. According to the man he believed these three to be suspects of a break-in at the night club two weeks ago.

He told police that when he confronted the men, one of them picked up a pickaxe as if to attack him. That is when, the man alleges, he took out his firearm and shot the man.

Police also spoke to the man who was shot and wounded in the back of his thigh leg, after he was transported to hospital.
According to this man’s statement he did not have a pickaxe in his possession and said that he and his friends ran away when the man who had confronted them about the break-in, revealed a firearm.

Police are still investigating the case and no arrests have yet been made.

Watch the footage of the Shooting incident at The Warehouse

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