
Straight from the horses mouth – your municipal account

Residents were surprised to see their municipal accounts were far higher than expected and there is a good reason behind it.

Residents were surprised to see their municipal accounts were far higher than expected and there is a good reason behind it.

According to Mr Theo van Vuuren, municipal manager,

“This is mainly the result of the metering period in some cases as long as 45 days. In some cases it also impacted on the water tariff to increase as the volume of use has been higher as measured on this extended period.”

This in turn automatically influenced the sanitation account.

He further added that in respect of electricity the tariff remained the same but a service levy of R230 was automatically levied when the consumption of electricity was higher than 1 000 units.

“As not everyone was affected the chief financial officer agreed that we will make corrections in cases where it is requested. The next reading period will be shorter and therefore on a two month basis the higher payment requirement now will be followed with a low requirement,” he said.

Van Vuuren however said that the increased consumption led to higher levies and tariffs will be handled on a case by case basis a correction.

Van Vuuren advised the community that should you feel the need that your account be corrected, especially in the case of higher tariffs and levies you may send an e-mail though to, in the e-mail attach a copy of your account and mark it for attention to Jadine/Thomas: Account corrections in the subject.

“Thomas at Finance will then do the corrections to these accounts and he will provide the corrected amount back to Jadine who will let you know on return email. Those who have already paid, the correction will be reflected on your next account,” he said.

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