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Excellent progress is being made with the water plant

Good progress is being made with the planning and finalisation of the increase in the water purification package plant.

Good progress is being made with the planning and finalisation of the increase in the water purification package plant.

By Thursday, October 13 an agreement should be reached on the funding model and construction that is set to start soon. The plant was officially opened at point B during the last week of July and as it stands the plant is performing well and delivers consistently 5ML of high quality water daily.

Although the initial focus is to in a modular way double the package plant to 10ML. The municipality is now fast tracking the increase in plant capacity to 20ML immediately.

Plans to expand the water purification package plant has increased to 20ML. The plant was opened during the last week of July.

According to the municipal manager Mr Theo van Vuureen this is amongst others been necessitated by the reduction of reclamation water as a result of lower water table from the mines. This, together with the dam level dipping below 40% makes this project as well as a similar reclamation project by Glencore critical for the municipality.

The project is set to benefit a lot of homes including houses in areas such as Tasbet Park and Empumelelweni to name a few.

Plans to double the water plant has begun
Use more water, pay more for water

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