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Owner of dog that bit a woman faces two charges

A woman was bitten by a dog as she was walking down the streets of Ben Fleur.

A woman was bitten by a dog as she was walking down the streets of Ben Fleur.

On April 29 at 09:30 the 41-year-old woman was walking in Amber Street when she came across a dog on the street that allegedly bit her on the ankle and knee.

According to the police report the woman alleges that she screamed after the dog bit her but the owner did not come out leading to the owner of the dog being unknown.

Witbank Police spokesperson Capt Eddie Hall said should a dog bite someone outside the yard the dog’s owner will be charged with two charges namely being a civil claim where medical expenses of the incident will be claimed against the owner and the second one being a criminal charge of failure to prevent an animal causing injury to a person.

“Keep your dogs inside your premises please before it bears you problems,” said Capt Hall.

It is unknown if the woman was rushed to hospital for medical attention or not.

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