
Men welcomed by uninvited guests

Two men’s houses were targets of robbery this past week where one being a church was lucky enough to have caught the culprit

Two men’s houses were targets of robbery this past week where one being a church was lucky enough to have caught the culprit whilst the other house was unfortunately caught in the midst of a misfortune. These incidences happened on October 27 and October 31 respectively.

According to chairperson of Sector three of sub-sector 12, Tasbet Park/Reyno Ridge area Mr Andries Booyens he got a call from one of his members that there was a man who jumped the wall and was trying to break in at The Alliance Church in South Africa located at Springbok Street. He then announced on the radio where all the members came out in their numbers to try and catch the suspect.

“We chased him probably for a good 15 minutes or so but we finally caught him,” said Booyens.

Reverend Peter Biloane said he was at home when he received a call around 12:30 to notify him that someone was trying to break in at church. When the reverend arrived he was met by people from a security company, the Community Policing Forums members and the Police.

The damage done on one of the window frames of The Alliance Church in South Africa on October 27. (photo: Witbank CPF)

The man allegedly broke a window and also tried to break the butler.

“Luckily the young man did not steal anything; the community caught him just in time. If no one had seen him, he would have probably been successful and stolen something in the secretary’s office,” said Biloane.

The reverend says he does not know him but members of the church recognised him as someone’s relative from church.

“I am truly thankful to everyone that contributed in making sure the culprit was caught before the worst could happen, God bless you all,” said Biloane.

Another incident is that of a 30-year-old man whose valuable assets were stolen from him. He was called to work at 01:00 to attend an emergency as he was on stand-by that evening. He returned from work within two hours with his colleagues who gave him a lift back home. When the three culprits saw the man they hid themselves from him and his colleagues not to see them. And as soon as the car drove off he opened his dining room door and the criminals pushed him in.

The suspect is taken away by the Police after being caught red handed trying to break in at The Alliance Church in South Africa on October 27. (photo: Witbank CPF)

“One man with a firearm pointed at me while the others tied me with cables ties and almost took everything in the house which includes my television and sound system,” said the man.

As soon as they had taken everything that they needed, they left the man tied in is house where he was able to untie himself and go look for help. Other damages
to the house include the bedrooms window being broken and the thieves also attempted to break in using the kitchen’s butler but failed.

He says he did not unfortunately recognise the men but he is fine despite the tragic event.

“I do not know the suspects, I am angry but there is nothing I can do. Everything is in the hands of the police,” said the man.

No arrests have been made yet.

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