
Remote jamming is a reality

Thieves were able to break into a vehicle parked in Delville Street by making use of a remote jammer.

Mr Mark Kelly had gone to the Central Business District. He parked his vehicle at the corner of Beatty and Delville streets.
On returning to his vehicle he discovered that his laptop, cellular phone and a pencil case containing a calculator had been stolen.
There was no evidence of forced entry into the car and Kelly believes that the thieves made use of a remote jammer to prevent his car from locking.

The stolen items are valued at R23 000. So far no arrests have been made.
Police caution the public to ensure that their vehicles are properly locked.
“The public should rather lock the vehicle with their key, preventing the system from being jammed,” said Capt Eddie Hall, police communications.

Capt Hall also advised the community to ensure their vehicles are locked by lifting the door handle after locking the vehicle.

Car-jamming: Watch what could happen to you

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