
Dogs poisoned in Bethal Street

Another dog poisoning incident occurred, this time in Bethal Street.

The family came outside early in the morning on February 10 to find their two Jack Russells dead in the front yard.

The family is heartbroken about their dogs. The one has been with them for nine years and the other almost four years. Apparently they heard them barking at the wall the night before and at about 03:00 on Tuesday, the owner heard his dogs barking again before they were found dead. They also found an unknown blue liquid smeared on the grass that could possibly be the poison.

The police did attend the scene to open a case and are conducting an investigation. The residents of Bethal Street are urged to be on the lookout for suspicious activity and report it to the police.

Dog poisoners tried to tamper with the gate motor as well on February 10.
Dog poisoners tried to tamper with the gate motor as well on February 10.

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