
Two die to poisoning in Model Park

Two Bull Terriers died to poisoning, another dog, a Pit Bull survived the ordeal.

On Thursday December 4, Mr Wimpie Barnard received bad news from his girlfriend, saying that his Pit Bull had foam at the mouth and that his dogs had been poisoned at their home in Model Park.
“I woke up at about 02:30, I heard the dogs barking and went out to look around but didn’t find anyone or anything,” he said.

The following morning when he left for work, only his Pit Bull came to the gate in the front yard.
“She looked fine when I left,” he said.

While at work, he received the phone call that the dogs had been poisoned, the two Bull Terriers died to poisoning. His girlfriend was able to get the Pit Bull to the vet in time where she was treated. She survived.

Barnard’s girlfriend searched the yard only to find a piece of brown bread lying close to the wall.
“When I got home from work at about 21:00, I searched the yard and found a painted block next to my wall and neighbour’s wall. I also found a Coke cap wedged into the wall,” said Barnard.

Barnard believes the items were used to mark his home for burglary.
“I tried opening my garage this morning but the mechanism seems to be jammed, I think someone tried to get in,” he said on December 9.

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