Local news

Robbers with firearms are becoming more common

In two recent cases, both victims were robbed at gunpoint.

The start of February has not been a good one for some residents.

In two recent cases, both victims were robbed at gunpoint.

In the first instance, the victim was sitting under a tree on Hertzog Street when he was approached by two unknown men.

One of the alleged assailants asked the victim if he has matches to borrow.

The complainant then alleges that one of the two suspects took out a firearm in an attempt to rob him.

The complainant noticed that the assailant’s firearm was fake, and a fight ensued.

The victim was then stabbed in the left hand by the robber, who took the victim’s cellphone.

In another incident, on January 31 in the afternoon hours, the victim was at the Engen Garage at Fourways on Verena Road on his way into town.

The complainant alleges that whilst walking, a VW Golf with three passengers stopped next to him and forced him into the vehicle.

When the victim was inside, one of the robbers pulled out a firearm which he pointed at him.

The robbers then proceeded to search the victim and allegedly took his cell phone and cash.

The complainant then opened the vehicle’s door and fled.

The robbers then drove away.

Witbank Police Spokesperson, Captain Eddie Hall, gave some tips on how to stay safe and what you should do when you find yourself in such a situation.

“A robbery is one of the most serious and potentially dangerous crimes committed in South Africa today. A robber commits a hold-up because he or she believes that their profit will be worth the risk. By decreasing the possible profit and increasing the risk of apprehension, potential victims can reduce their chance of becoming a target. Personal vigilance is key to remaining safe in South Africa. Witbank Police urge you to take appropriate precautions for your safety,” said Hall.

Residents are also advised to keep valuables in a locked place and not carry large sums of money, wear expensive jewellery, or displayed valuable items such as cellphones and cameras when they walk on the streets or go to shopping centres or restaurants.

“Unless you have an immediate need for it (eg cash) we also urge that you not carry your ID or passport with you daily; a photocopy of the front page should be adequate,” Hall further said.

If someone tries to rob you, don’t resist.

Give up your property – don’t give up your life.

Report the crime to the police.

Try to describe the attacker accurately.

Your actions can help prevent others from becoming victims.


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