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Keep Ward 20 clean!

The biggest problem with these popular illegal dumping sites is that people don't stop dumping there even when they see we have cleaned the area.

In August of last year, Democratic Alliance Ward Councilor Maureen Scheepers launched a cleaning campaign and vowed to tackle all the illegal dumping sites in Ward 20.

On January 20 it was Riverview’s turn to receive some much-needed “TLC”.

“I identified numerous illegal dumping sites in the Ward and we have managed to clean many since the launch of my ongoing cleaning campaign.” said Scheepers

A field situated on Barlow Road in Riverview has become another popular dumping site in Ward 20.

“I am satisfied that this site can now be crossed off my list, for now at least. The biggest problem with these popular illegal dumping sites is that people don’t stop dumping there even when they see we have cleaned the area. Numerous articles and Facebook posts on dumping have been placed but people still dump” explained Scheepers.


One illegal dumping site in Jackaroo Park was eliminated permanently after cleanup took place.


“On the day we cleaned the area and then pushed heaps of sand banks for barriers so no one could enter the field of Eileen street to dump any more, and it has worked perfectly for that site,” said Scheepers.


Scheepers explained that she reports any person that is found dumping in the Ward.


“When I am sent photo evidence or I come across people dumping I report the matter with the details to the relevant department and they are issued with fines,” said Scheepers.


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