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MEC visits family of policeman that was killed in his own house

The MEC condemned the incident in the strongest possible terms and emphasised that any person attacking the state is attacking the state itself.

After the brutal killing of a police official the Mpumalanga MEC for Community Safety, Security and Liaison, Mr Vusi Shongwe visited his family in Vosman last week.

WITBANK NEWS reported on the incident that occurred on July 24.

Sgt Joseph Christopher Kutu, a police officer from the Tactical Response Team (TRT) at Witbank Police Station was shot dead after an alleged house robbery.

When Vosman Police members arrived on the scene on Saturday, July 24 they found their colleague, bleeding on the floor. He was rushed to the hospital but sadly passed away a few hours later.

The MEC was accompanied by SAPS Provincial Commissioner, Lt. Gen. Semakaleng Manamela and Acting Head of Community Safety, Security and Liaison, Mr Godfrey Ntombela and some members of TRT among others.

The MEC condemned the incident in the strongest possible terms and emphasised that any person attacking a member of the state is attacking the state itself.

“The police should leave no stone unturned in pursuit of the person/s responsible for this tragedy,” said Mr Shongwe.

He went on to encourage other TRT members to remain strong in honour of the departed soldier.

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