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Putting children first – Child Protection Week

This campaign is done nationally to create an awareness of the importance of children’s rights and responsibilities.

Child Protection Week has commenced nationally. 

Child protection is a campaign run by the Department of Social Development in partnership with key government departments and civil society organizations rendering child protection services, on the first week of June.


This campaign is done nationally to create an awareness of the importance of children’s rights and responsibilities.


Every year Child Welfare South Africa makes the initiative of visiting schools to educate learners about their rights and responsibilities.

They cover subjects that will make a child aware of their safety and wellbeing.


There are five key principles of the Children’s Order 1995 known as the 5 P’s:

1. Prevention

2. Paramountcy – meaning ‘needs of the child’ to always come first.

3. Partnership

4. Protection

5. Parental Responsibility


Government calls on all South Africans to support Child Protection Week by ensuring that the most vulnerable in our society do not suffer abuse. Protecting children from violence, exploitation and abuse is not only a basic value but also an obligation set out in Article 28 of the South African Constitution.


Get help


The Department of Social Development has piloted a 24-hour call centre dedicated to providing support and counselling to victims of gender-based violence:


*The toll-free number to call is 0800 428 428 (0800 GBV) to speak to a social worker for assistance and counselling.


*Callers can also request a social worker from the Command Centre to contact them by dialling *120*7867# (free) from any cell phone.

You can also get help at:

*Childline South Africa: 0800 055 555

*Child Welfare South Africa: 0861 4 CHILD (24453) / 011 452-4110

*E-mail: info@childwelfaresa.org.za


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