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Three suspects arrested for possession of drugs in Phola

Operation Vhuthu Hawe fights crime at night in Phola.

Three arrests were made following a raid made by honourable public members in Phola.

Police officials from Phola in conjunction with the Community Policing Forum (CPF) and “Team Ayilali” patrollers, joined forces in ‘Operation Vhuthu Hawe’ to fight crime in Phola.

This led to three separate arrests of men who were in possession of drugs and dagga on May 21.

The first arrest occurred at Dlomo Street near Siyabonga section at about 21:20.

The suspect was found carrying a black school bag containing drugs, dagga, and cash.

The 42-year-old suspect was arrested and will soon appear in court.

The second arrest occurred at Vulindlela Street near a shop at about 21:45. The suspect was found in possession of drugs and dagga.

The 38-year-old resisted arrest by fighting the police hence he was also charged with resisting arrest.

The third arrest occurred at Vulindlela Street near Green Point Shop at about 22:00. A 34-year-old suspect was found carrying a green bag with drugs and dagga, thus he was arrested.

All the exhibits were booked in and suspects were detained and at a later stage released on bail.

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