
Raped during 16 days of activism

The 16 days of Activism For No Violence Against Women and Children is a very important event in South Africa

As the 16 days of activism is taking place all around the country, unfortunately, another two cases of rape were reported in eMalahleni the past week.

The 16 days of Activism For No Violence Against Women and Children is a very important event in South Africa.

The campaign that is taking place from November 25 to December 10 every year is aimed to unite communities and families and to ensure that men stop abusing women, respect women and children, ensure tough action against perpetrators, empower young women and children, ensure a better life for people to create a violence-free society, recruit men and boys as active members of the campaign.

On November 28 this campaign did not matter for a suspect that allegedly raped a minor girl.

It is believed that the 9-year-old asked her parents if she can have a sleepover by her friend next door.

It is further alleged that the girl phoned her mom in the late hours of the night saying she wants to come home. The mother immediately went and fetched her daughter, which told her about her ordeal by her friend’s house.

It is believed that the suspect is unknown to the victim and no arrests have been made.

In another incident on November 28, a case of sexual assault and raped was opened at the police station after a 35-year-old woman fell victim to this crime.

It is believed that the lady was on her way to a nearby tuck-shop when two unknown suspects approached her along the way.

The suspects allegedly blocked her way and dragged her in a field where they allegedly attacked and raped her.

“Given the scourge of Gender-Based violence in the country, which is declared a national address, the government is implementing the Emergency Response Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, which was announced by President Cyril in September 2019. The 16 Days Campaign forms the centre point of government’s comprehensive 365 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children,” Cpt Eddie Hall, a spokesperson from Witbank Police Station added.

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