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Plot 84 in Leeuwpoort under sewage siege

Their problems stems from the fact that sewage flowing from Pine Ridge has flown in the nearby stream flowing through the farm on one part of the plot.

The Louw family which has resided on Plot 84 in Leeuwpoort have not experienced peace for quite some time now.

Three generations who have grown up on the plot had peace, but after sewage flows from Pine Ridge it was the start of their problems.

Dongas in Siyanqoba in which the sewerage pipes are and sewage overflow to stream in the lower part of the area.

Their problems stems from the fact that sewage flowing from Pine Ridge has flown in the nearby stream flowing through the farm on one part of the plot.

Recently they have experienced the same problem with sewage flowing from Siyanqoba in another part of the farm in a stream as well.

Sewage flowing from one part of Plot 84 in Leeuwpoort joining another stream flowing from Pine Ridge.

This has not only affected underground water on the farm which the family used to source their water for drinking and other domestic use, but the vegetation as well.

“This has affected our lives and they are elderly people living in the farm. We have to close the underground water and now we had to buy Jojo tanks to fill up water for use. Another concern is that we see that Siyanqoba is developing, but we do not see any sewerage farm,” said a family member.

The family said they have complained several times to the municipality but they have been posted from pillar to post.

Another stream flowing from the side of Pine Ridge with sewage

The family is concerned because the sewage flows has also affected vegetation in the area as well as streaming into the river which their stock drink from.

A questionnaire was sent to Emalahleni Local Municipality for their response but nothing was received.

The Louw family had to close down their underground water which was their source for water use because it is now contaminated with sewage from Siyanqoba.

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