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Eleven computers stolen in school break-in

Thieves broke in at Kopanang Secondary School and stole 11 computers.

This is not the first break-in at the school this year. In March there was another break-in at the school where computers were also stolen.

Schools and churches seem to be easy targets for criminals to break-in. Criminals broke in at the school in the early hours of Saturday between 01:00 and 02:00.

A call was received from the security company indicating that there was break-in, but when they checked they found nothing wrong. Criminals broke a window and doors leading to the computer room to gain entry. They also deactivated the alarm system. Eleven computers were stolen from the school.

Principal of the school Mr R.O. Usinga said he was worried and concerned about the break-ins. He said the break-in would set back computer programmes at the school.

“Already the school and SGB have rolled out computer programme for the children and even for their parents. We need to be worried about these developments. These criminals are not doing any justice to the development of our children and we cannot just sit and do nothing about it. We have already lost a lot of money, money we received from parents and the department, we rely on donation and it will be very hard to raise such an amount. We now need to re-channel cash to replace the stolen computers and damaged items.”

The principal said that they have to replace the damaged doors and windows, which is also a set back to the school.

In March computers worth about R30 00 were stolen from the school and this time round it will be much more than that.

Usinga said it was high time community members doing something about crime especially in institution of learning. He said community members need to stand up and protect schools and not buy stolen items.

Police came to the scene and took a statement. No one has been arrested in both cases and investigating is continues and police are following leads.

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