
Motor and battery theft

The rise in crime has caused thieves to come up with creative things to steal in recent times. However not all objects stolen make sense as to what its use is after it’s taken from its main purpose.

The area around Extension 10 and its neighbouring extensions has been experiencing a high number of gate motor thefts and battery thefts which power the motor. Several complainants have woken up to their gate not opening or closing because the motor has been stolen.

Captain Eddie hall said that it is difficult to trace the exact number of thefts involving these gate motors. “People must come forward and report these issues so we as the police would be able to do something about it,” said Captain Hall, communications officer for the SAPS. Captain Hall also said that the residents in areas where crime is known to be high should be on the lookout and take care outside their yards. Also, some preventative or precautionary steps should be taken to ensure that one does not find oneself faced with stolen property.

As a precaution, all residents who are using electric gates are advised to have a bracket welded onto the motor or a box that can be locked be placed over the motor to prevent it from being stolen. “If people see it easy to remove a motor they will steal it, but if the motor is protected by a brace or bracket around it then chances of theft of that motor would be very slim,” said Captain Hall.

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