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SANDF join forces with Witbank and Vosman SAPS

With Operation Lockdown almost a week in operation Witbank and Vosman police arrested 33 people in eMalahleni and 77 in Vosman

The South African National Defence Force will be visible in Emalahleni as of today.

Thirty members from 4SAI in Middelburg have been deployed in the city.

With Operation Lockdown almost a week in operation Witbank and Vosman police arrested 33 people in eMalahleni and 77 in Vosman.

A total of 110 fines of R1 000 each were issued to residents for not confine themselves to their places of residence.

Apart from the fines, the following number of arrests were also made during the period; seven for dealing in liquor, 38 illegal immigrants were arrested and 14 were arrested for possession of drugs.

The Station Commander of Witbank Police station Brigadier Lindane Ndlovu requested members of the public to comply with the lockdown regulations and to limit their movements, especially to public places.

“These members of the public who are rendering essential services in this time should have their identification documents, driver’s licenses and their permits available at all times when travelling,” Brig Ndlovu said.

Brigadier Ndlovu further said that people should protect themselves at all times against being infected by wearing protective clothing like gloves and masks.

Whenever the community visit grocery stores strictly adhere to the one-meter distance between each other.

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