
The rugby champs are from eMalahleni

The joy and excitement was overwhelming

The Eastvaal Witbank’s third team are the proudest of them all.

They travelled to Mbombela on August 3 to play in the final against rivals White River rugby club.

They knew it would be a big task as they played White River twice during the league rounds.

Unfortunately it did not go as planned and they lost both games.

They lost the home game 17-15 and away game 18-17.

So they knew that they had to be at their best to win the league.

They had to travel at sunrise to be on time for kick-off at 10:45.

They endured the long travel, warm temperatures and tough opponents awaiting them.

This however did not scare the Eastvaal Witbank team.

The starting 15 played like machines and was leading the game 15-3 at half time.

Big tackles, brilliant handling and skills were showcased as a final should be.

The self belief and the will to win could be seen in the way the guys played.

They knew then that the game can be won, but unfortunately as expected the warm temperatures got the better of them and Witriver struck back.

White River had a better team compared to the previous two games and with all the support they had, Eastvaal Witbank played White River home based and just got even better.

White River just kept going and never stopped playing and Eastvaal Witbank had to defend like demons.

It was hot, the players were tired and substitutions had to be made.

But at the end when the final whistle blew the game came ended in a tie with 15 all.

So this meant extra time, 10 minutes a side extra.

The players knew that it is now or never.

Eastvaal Witbank can not only defend and took the ball in hand and started attacking.

Eastvaal Witbank played the game in White River’s half by putting pressure on them making mistakes and creating turnovers.

When the final whistle went for the second time, Eastvaal Witbank’s third team won with 25-22.

The joy and excitement was overwhelming.

It was hard work and the team never gave up.

For the team, there were so many players that could take the man of the match award.

Names like Jan Marneweck, Victor Ntshangase or Sinoxolo Tsewu.

But it was decided the forward man of the match is Jeandre Smit and the backline player of the match award went to Theuns Botha.

Leon van Rensburg said: “Eastvaal Witbank Rugby Club would like to thank their main sponsor for the support and backing our club during the season. Your support is much appreciated and so to all our other sponsors. Without the support club rugby would not have been possible. To all our supporters who game out in numbers on Saturdays to support our boys; thank you.”

Unfortunately the first team got knocked out in the semi-finals by the defending champions Sasol Rugby Club who went on to win the league.

The second team ended fourth in the respective league, it was not the best of seasons for them, but can only get better in the future.

Leon concluded: “To all our players; a big thank you. Thank you for the time spent at the club training, travelling and tough opponents that you faced. The effort could surely be seen this year, and for the club playing as Eastvaal Witbank rugby club for the first time; it can only get better. A big thank you to all coaches and management, for the effort put in this year. Winning is not something; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while; you do them right all of the time.”

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