
Raw sewage chokes residents

Residents describe the problem as being so bad that on its worst days the raw sewage floods half the road

The sewage problem in the area has become a norm, but residents say they have had enough of it and the Municipality has to do something about the problem.

Odette Rossouw from Jabez House which has a shelter at Hertzog Street said the sewage causes great strain on the livelihood on the homeless people at the shelter houses every night.

“We have homeless people who come and sleep here every night. The overflow and stench of the sewage gets so bad that it becomes unbearable at times” she said.

Rossouw has tried to fix the problem privately but said previous plumbers have told her it is the Municipality’s responsibility and they would not be able to help.

“We have tried to get plumbers to look at what could be the problem but because the drain is not in our premises, they tell us they cannot open the sewer lines as that is the Municipality’s responsibility” she added.

Residents describe the problem as being so bad that on its worst days the raw sewage floods half the road.

Michael Moosa explained that the problem is sometimes caused by residents.

“There are a lot of students here and some of the things we see that cause the blockage are sanitary towels which are disposed in the toilets.” Moosa deals with the sewage not only on the road but in his own yard as well. “The sewage blocks by the drain that’s around the corner, and then it breathes here and at two other houses in this street” he explained.

Moosa has had to make flow trenches in his yard which direct the flow of the sewage from his drain out of his yard into the street, but because the blockage happens so often, his premises is always drenched in the smell of sewage.

Thandi Mnisi who lives in the same yard as Moosa also noted that the problem is a health hazard particularly for her toddler.

“The sewage is really a challenge and it gets worse during colder weather. It has stopped for now because the Municipality came three days ago and they were working on it, but I know it is going to start again soon” she said.

The Municipality was contacted for comment but had not responded before print.

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