
PICS: Mandela Day surgical marathon at Kopanong Hospital

Kopanong hospital formed part of the joint effort to perform 700 surgeries across public hospitals for Mandela Day.

In reducing the high number of patients awaiting surgery, Kopanong hospital’s theatre staff availed themselves on their leave and off days to ensure that they give back to the community.

In reducing the high number of patients awaiting surgery, Kopanong hospital’s theatre staff availed themselves on their leave and off days to ensure that they give back to the community. hospital formed part of the joint effort to perform 700 surgeries across public hospitals for Mandela Day.

Gauteng MEC for Health & Wellness Nomantu Nkomo Ralehoko announced that the target for the Mandela Day 2024 Second Edition of Surgical Marathons had been achieved.

“As at 17:25, 742 surgical procedures had been conducted, surpassing this year’s target of 700 and last year’s achievement of over 720 surgeries.”

The procedures include general surgeries, cataracts, arthroplasty, orthopedic, colonoscopy, mastectomy and plastic surgery amongst others.

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