
Vereeniging Social Crime Prevention

The event saw the distribution of approximately 400 safety tips pamphlets to community members.

VEREENIGING – Vereeniging Social Crime Prevention, alongside Siyabangena patrollers, engaged the community of Sector 1 Mark Park in an extensive outreach program on Tuesday, June 25.

Dozens of Siyabangena patrollers joined the outreach.

The event saw the distribution of approximately 400 safety tips pamphlets to community members.
According to a police spokesperson, the initiative aimed to raise awareness about the importance of vigilance and safety in everyday life.
Participants comprising of hawkers, and shoppers were encouraged to remain alert and mindful of their surroundings at all times.
Speaking to Ster South, Vereeniging police spokesperson, Captain highlighted the multifaceted approach the police are taking to combat crime and enhance community safety.
“As part of our crime prevention responsibility to save the community, social crime is one of the wings we rollout to reach out to communities. Coupled with that, we got our random foot patrols to combat crime. We also do our visible policing to show off our visibility in communities,” said Funda.

He emphasised that social crime prevention serves as a critical tool in keeping the community informed and vigilant.

“Social crime prevention is one of our ways to alert our people to be vigilant around their vicinities. The levels of crime have gone up, and that’s an open secret. People must be aware,” he stressed. Funda said the decision to hold the outreach at Mark Park was strategic.
He added that the area attracts large numbers of people, making it an ideal location to disseminate important safety information. “We may be doing our radio and newspaper drives, however, in a community where people are reluctant to read and listen to radio, distributing pamphlets is another way of disseminating information,” he said.
Sedibeng Cluster police commissioner Major General Nkhensani Lemba also urged car owners in the Central Business District (CBD) to be cautious with their valuables.
“We urge the community driving cars in CBD to be vigilant of their surroundings.
Don’t leave your valuables in sight of everyone; make sure that your car is properly locked,” said Lemba.

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