Getting to know Vee Mason

"I recorded my first song when I was in high school."

Vee Mason has been playing music since he can remember and hopes to make his mark as a unique artist. Mason recently moved to Springs to better pursue his passion.
When did you first start playing music?
Music has been part of my life since I can remember. When I was growing up, my parents were always playing music in the house. I recorded my first song when I was in high school. My friend allowed me to use his laptop and made the song using the Rockband application.
What genre of music do you write?
I consider myself more of an RnB, hip-hop and soul artists, but most of my songs are love songs.

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Which artists have had the most influence on you?
I always keep an open mind when I’m making music, but I would say Eminem and 50 Cent are my biggest influences. They create music that makes people move, and I want my music to move people as well.
Are any particular themes in your lyric writing?
I only realised recently I’m always writing about personal experiences, and I hope people can relate. I think there’s always a lesson to learn when things happen to us, and I want to teach that to people through my music.
What have your experiences been performing live?
After the recording studio, the stage is my favourite place. It’s amazing to see people dancing to my music and shouting my lyrics at the top of their lungs.

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What are you working on now?
I’m in the studio working on a new project that I’m very excited about.
Are there any stand-out moments of your career so far?
I had the honour of working with Bongani Fassie, who became a mentor to me. He taught me a lot about the ins and outs of the music industry and I will always be grateful for that.
Do you have any advice for younger artists trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry?
I will tell them not to wait for the right time to make music because there never is a perfect time. If you keep on waiting for the right time to come, you will never write a note. It’s also very important to believe in yourself and your dreams. Artists also have to be themselves and shouldn’t try to sound like someone else because you think it will bring you more fans.

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