How to save fuel (and money!)

The good news is that, with a few minor adjustments to your driving habits and with regular car maintenance, you can boost the fuel efficiency of your car by as much as 40 per cent.

“If you fill-up 48 times a year at roughly R900 per tank, a 40 per cent reduction in fuel consumption could save you over R17 000 a year,” says Bianca de Beer from Dialdirect Insurance.

Dialdirect provides the following tips for better fuel economy:

“Saving on fuel by keeping your vehicle in shape and changing the way you drive may seem like a bit of a hassle, but if you increase your fuel economy by 40 per cent, a tank that normally gets you 700 km could get you close to 1000 km. This translates to almost a tankful of savings for every two times you fill-up.”

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