Police arrest three men for gang rape

Kwa-Thema SAPS clamp down on men suspected of rape

Kwa-Thema – “Police have adopted a high level of commitment in the fight against gender-based violence and will ensure women and children feel safe in the community.” These are the words of KwaThema police spokesperson Sgt Media Khoza following the arrest of three men for the rape of a 20-year-old woman in Geduld on August 15. According to Khoza, the victim reported she had visited one of the men and some of his friends at his residence.

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“The group had a few drinks until around midnight when they left and locked the victim inside the room. “All three returned in the early hours of the morning and allegedly violently attacked the victim and took turns raping her,” she explained. Once the victim was let go, the matter was reported to police. “With swift reaction, police went on a manhunt for the suspects. “They were arrested and later positively identified by the victim. “There is a zero tolerance to such heinous crimes in our society,” added Khoza. Investigations are still ongoing and the arrested trio, aged 28, 31 and 46, will appear in the Springs Magistrate’s Court soon. Follow us on: 

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