Windmill Park not safe for children

“I have come up with ideas that will make this park the place it used to be where children can come to play and maybe watch movies but the metro told me that they don’t have money for the upgrades,” says Ward 75 Councillor Dean Stone.


Windmill Park in the Springs CBD has gone on for some while with uncut grass which makes the city look untidy.

It is also dangerous for children to play in the park as it has turned into a place where people go to take drugs.

On March 29, half the job was done at the park by the mowers but on Friday they were not to be seen at the park.

There were some parts which have been mowed and large parts were not yet mowed and even the mowed parts were not yet raked.


Also read: Windmill Park is now fenced

“I don’t know why the park is in such a mess but it goes back to the environmental affairs department in the metro.

“This place is no longer safe for our children to play in; it has also become a drug zone.

“I have come up with ideas that will make this park the place it used to be where children can come to play and maybe watch movies but the metro told me that they don’t have money for the upgrades,” says Ward 75 Councillor Dean Stone.

Stone says, “I am sure that there is money because 90 per cent of the people of Springs do pay rates and taxes so they deserve to get great services.”

Despite giving the metro ample time to respond, the metro has not yet responded at the time of going to print.


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