
WATCH: Pancake ideas for Shrove Tuesday

Today is Shrove Tuesday and if you are Catholic and getting ready for Ash Wednesday, here are some ideas you can use for your pancakes.

Simple pancake recipe:

• 250ml (1 cup) flour
• 5ml baking powder
• ½ t salt
• 2 eggs
• 180ml milk
• Around 15 ml water
• 100ml oil

Try it with chocolate mousse:

• 300g milk chocolate
• 3 eggs at room temp, separated
• 2 tbsp castor sugar
• 1 cup thickened cream


Place milk chocolate in a large, heatproof, microwave-safe bowl.
Microwave, uncovered, on medium for 1-2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds with a metal spoon until melted.
Set aside for five minutes to cool slightly.
Add the egg yolks to the chocolate and stir until well combined.
Using an electric hand beater, beat the egg whites in a bowl until soft peaks form.
Sprinkle sugar over the egg whites.
Beat until thick and glossy.
Using a large metal spoon, fold half the egg white mixture into chocolate mixture until combined.
Gently fold in remaining egg white mixture.
Whip the cream until soft peaks form.
Fold cream into chocolate mixture until combined.
Cover with plastic wrap.
Refrigerate for four hours or until firm.
Spoon into pancake and roll until covered.

Another idea can be …
Banana in caramel sauce over your pancake. Yum.

• 1/2 cup butter
• 1 cup castor sugar
• 1 and a 1/4 cups heavy cream
• 4 bananas, peeled and halved lengthwise

Melt butter in a large, heavy skillet over medium heat.
Stir in sugar and cook, stirring until sugar is melted and light brown.
Slowly stir in the cream (mixture will bubble up).
Let mixture boil for one minute, then reduce heat to low.
Place the bananas in the pan and cook until heated through, about two minutes.
Pour over pancakes.

Or try this awesome pancake idea:

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