Book review: Darcy Dolphin is a Little Bit Magic

A fun caper for youngsters coming to grips with reading.

Author: Sam Watkins.

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh.

Review made possible by: Penguin Random House South Africa.

This laugh-out-loud diary, set under the sea is the perfect holiday read for six to nine-year-olds.

Darcy Dolphin, a happy and imaginative child meets her pen pal, Carol Crab, when Carol’s school has no water and all the children are sent to Darcy’s school until the situation can be rectified.

What starts out as an exciting adventure for Darcy threatens to turn sour when Carol turns out to be miserable and mean.

Her trepidation is only made worse when Darcy visits her school library to find out more about crabs.

Miss Angler, the crabby librarian, gives Darcy The Attack of the Zombie Crabs to read – not exactly what she wanted, but Darcy decides to give it a try.

Darcy is bunking with Remy, her pet remora and so, with book in hand and a miserable pen pal in her bed, the scene is set for some hilarious adventures.

Darcy’s diary is a hilarious account of daily life any child can relate to.

Each of the short diary entries ends with a word of the day, which helps to expand the reader’s vocabulary.

This is the second book in the Darcy Dolphin series so be sure to get The Fintastic Diary of Darcy Dolphin if your young reader hasn’t read the first book yet.

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