Book review: Stuarts’ Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa

A must-have companion on your next trip to the Kruger National Park.

Book: Stuarts’ Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa

Author: Chris and Mathilde Stuart

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by Penguin Random House

A revision of the couple’s earlier times, this guide book offers a look at some of the 1 200 mammals living across Africa, focusing on the more visible and easily distinguished larger species, as well as some of the more frequently seen smaller mammals.

The book is beautifully illustrated with photos of each of the animals featured for easy visual identification when travelling in one of the continent’s parks.

Each listing includes the common and scientific name of the animal, a map of where it is most commonly found on the continent and a description of it.

This description includes details about its height, weight and size, as well as distinguishing features to help the untrained eye figure out what you are looking at – be it the Even-Toed Ungulates Hippopotamuses or the Pygmy Hippopotamus.

The book also gives details of each animal’s distribution across the continent, its status in terms of extinction, habitat, behaviour, reproduction and longevity.

There is also a section on aquatic mammals and, perhaps my favourite section, pictures of the skulls of some of the animals featured in this edition.

For anyone who loves to spend time in the bush, this is a great source of information in a wonderfully prepared and easy to read book.

Put two copies of this on your Christmas shopping list – one for yourself and one for the bush-made friend you need a great gift for.

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