
DVD review: Monster Trucks revs up plenty of family fun

Start your engines and get ready for a high-octane, adrenaline-fuelled family adventure.

DVD: Monster Trucks

Reviewed by: Gareth Drawbridge

Review made possible by: Times New Media

Families and friends, fasten your seat belts!

Creech is in control and he’s about to floor the accelerator and take you on a high-octane adventure you will never forget.

Tripp Coley is a high school senior who is a bit of a loner.

Unable to get along with his mom’s boyfriend Rick, Tripp wants to escape his family life and the town in which he lives.

After school and in his spare time, Tripp hangs out at a local junkyard, run by Mr Weathers, where he works tirelessly on restoring a truck which he hopes will take him far away from his current surroundings.

Despite his humdrum existence, Tripp’s life soon changes when he discovers a weird gas-guzzling creature which he names Creech.

It isn’t long before the two form a solid bond and the unlikely duo soon head off on a humorous, yet heartwarming, fast-paced adventure in order to save Creech’s family from being destroyed by a ruthless businessman and a gang of mercenaries.

Directed by Chris Wedge (well-known for his work on Ice Age), Monster Trucks is a delightful family film which is sure to appeal to both young and old.

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