DVD review: The Patriot

A great retelling of the events leading to the capture of the Boston Marathon bombers.

DVD: Patriot’s Day

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by: Times New Media

Tragedy strikes on April 15, 2013, when two bombs explode during the Boston Marathon.

In the aftermath of the attack, police Sgt Tommy Saunders, FBI Special Agent Richard Des Lauriers and Commissioner Ed Davis join first responders and other investigators in a race against the clock to hunt down the suspects and bring them to justice before they strike again, this time in New York.

Based on the real life events at the Boston Marathon, this is a gritty and well produced account of both the events and the raw emotions experienced by both law enforcement officers dealing with the aftermath of the bombings and the victims, many of whom lost limb.

It is a great account of a community coming together and showing great courage in the face of absolute terror.

For action fans there is a great shoot out scene in which one of the two bombers is shot (and later dies) while the second one, after launching a number of dirty bombs at the police, manages to make his get away but crashing through the police barricade under a rain of bullets.

Whether you like historically-based films, a little action or just a good watch, Patriot’s Day has something to keep everyone interested and should be a definite addition to you winter watching.

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