DVD review: Why Him

Nobody is good enough for his little girl.

DVD: Why HIm

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by: Times New Media

Why Him?

This is the question overprotective father Ned Fleming repeatedly asks himself, his wife, Barb, and their daughter, Stephanie, when he meets her socially awkward boyfriend, Laird, for the first time.

While the Flemings usually spend Christmas together in Grand Rapids, Michigan; this year Ned and Barb, and their 15-year-old son, Scotty, travel to California, to meet Laird and enjoy the pleasures of his interesting, and paperless, mansion.

The foul-mouthed Laird immediately makes a bad impression and things go from bad to worse as he tries to convince Ned he is the perfect man for Stephanie.

With every attempt to make a good impression, Laird’s shares with Ned drop exponentially until the family storms out of the house, and back to California, after only two nights in residence and a particularly interesting Christmas party.

This hilarious comedy stars a host of top-notch actors including James Franco as Laird, Bryan Cranston and Megan Mullally as Ned and Barb and Zoey Deutch as Stephanie.

They are supported brilliantly by Kaley Cuoco as the voice of Justine, Laird’s Siri-like home voice system, and European estate manager Gustav, played by Keegan-Michael Key, who takes great delight in helping Ned figure out the paperless toilet system when Ned finds himself sans toilet paper after a particularly troublesome meal of bear the night before.

There is also a brief appearance by Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, from Kiss.

This movie has far too many delightful moments to count and should definitely make it onto your must-have DVD list.

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