DVD review: Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

Brothers Mike and Dave, who are known to always go too far at a party, are instructed by their family that they need to bring “nice” dates to their sister’s wedding in Hawaii.

DVD: Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by: Times Media Films

After their advert on Craig’s List goes viral, they are asked to appear on TV, where they are seen by party girls Tatiana and Alice, who like the idea of a free vacation in Hawaii.

After Tatiana is “hit” by a car, Dave saves her life and the brothers realise that these women – one claims to be a teacher and the other a hedge fund manager – would be perfect to make their family happy.

Now the only challenge is for Tatiana and Alice to stay in character, playing the “nice” girls they have convinced both the brothers and their family they are.

Needless to say, it is not long before they are no longer able to contain their true fun-loving personalities, with the result that they unleash a number of unfortunate but hilarious scenarios.

Thanks to them, the family is exposed to a naked masseuse who really gets into his job – “all you need is load-bearing ribbons and a reinforced ceiling” – some mystery drugs and a naked bride.

While Mike and Dave try to be the upstanding sons their parents want them to be, coupled with this pair there is no way they can stay on the straight and narrow.

Based on a real advert placed on Craig’s List, this is a fun romp with an interesting assortment of characters and situations in a picturesque setting.

The humour is often of the gutter variety, with most of the comedy coming from the interplay and sexual innuendo between the four leads, but all told this is a light, hilarious comedy for those weekends when all you want to do is relax with a cold one and a bag of crisps.

There is nothing intellectual about this one, so leave your high-brow expectations at the door, but you’ll enjoy it if you are a fan of American Pie or Old School.

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